KSRMCMS library possess a wide collection of text books, reference books, magazines and journals on different aspects of Management. Library is also housed with E Journal along with 24x7 internet access.
Library also subscribes for DELNET E JOURNAL

KSRMCMS is running a well equipped computer center open round the clock to facilitate the students. With State-of-the-art systems and all the requisite software, the computer centre augments and supplements the class room teaching.
Students are encouraged to learn & work with various software packages relevant to the management discipline and research
Tally.ERP for Accounting
Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS)
Meta Stock
Office Automation
MS Access and many more

The College has spacious, fully furnished class rooms with LCD projectors, Public address systems, internet and other facilities. Class rooms are supported by exclusive syndicate rooms that facilitate group discussions, presentations and case analysis.

College has access to Fully Air conditioned auditorium with the seating capacity of 400